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BIBLE VERSE: February 2025: Matthew 15:8-9 From Jesus, the Son of God:
"These people draw near to ME (Jesus) with their mouth. And honor ME with their lips
, But their heart is far from ME. And in vain they worship ME, Teaching as truths
the commandments of men."

God gives you the wisdom to address your needs through Jesus.
Living life, and not regularly communicating with God will cause you to squander the wisdom you
were provided.
(Read the Bible for yourself and let Jesus interpret the WORD for you and bring truth to your life.
The WORD will provide you with the truth and knowledge you need to believe and achieve eternal life.)
Bible translations are different, but JESUS will clear them up for you as you read.

**Facebook: Moulton Lutheran Church





P.O. Box 176

303 North Hackberry Street. Moulton, TX 77975

(361)596-4928, Pastor:361-798-0155