Men In Mission
The "Men In Mission" Group meets every third Saturday morning each month. This is a group of (multi-denominational) Christian men who meet to enjoy fellowship while preparing and eating breakfast. Don't wait for an invitation just show up at Luther Hall south of the Church between 6:30 and 7:30 AM. on the third Saturday. Food is served at 7:30 AM.
Projects: Little Luther
The Men In Mission at Zion Lutheran Church in Moulton remodelled the small building to the south of Luther Hall
by adding a bathroom, kitchen and covered cooking area for the spaghetti.
This addition supports a small conference room and larger meeting room. The covered area is for the Plates-To-Go fundraisers. The building is expected to be used for scout functions, AA meetings, and other
functions not needing the larger Luther Hall.
We greatly appreciate the donations we received to help with the project.
The Men In Mission give scholarships to seniors who will be furthering their education. A
general scholarship to a senior at Moulton ISD is selected in May and presented at graduation.
In the summer scholarships to seniors who are members of Zion Lutheran Church are selected and
given during a sunday service in August.
Spaghetti Supper:
In the spring and fall, the men (with the help of the women) sponsor two spaghetti plates to go as money making projects.
The takeout meal consists of spaghetti/salad/dessert. The proceeds provide money for scholarships,
vacation bible school, sponsoring the Boy Scouts, and donations to groups like the local fire department, etc.
(Besides the money collected, the men just like to get together to cook and give each other advice on how it could be done better.)
The ladies are a big part of the success of the Spaghetti Sale. The ladies group prepares the bread,
the cakes and fills the plates.
The event would not be possible without all the assistence received from members of other churches in the area.
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